Home > My Fico Score :(

My Fico Score :(

April 12th, 2009 at 01:27 pm

I just order my credit report and fico score to see where I am at. I disappointed in my score which is 653. I could have swarn that this is the same one from last year but i don't remember. I have been busting my butt to pay off my debt and not to have any late payments but I still have a low fico score. Now I see why DR rants and raves about the fico score. I'm not really sure how to improve it after I'm debt free? and not using credit anymore. I will have to bring it up to get a good rate when i go to purchase my first home. What is a lady to do?

3 Responses to “My Fico Score :(”

  1. smiley2009 Says:

    Once your debt free you could get into the habit of using on credit card to pay your monthly expenses and than write a check out each month for the balance in full and that will definetely improve your score. I have been doing this for the past 6 months and my credit score has jumped 80 points because of this and not to mention my payment history is outstanding.

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    I am afraid to check my score because I just bought a house. Its funny how we get so attached to the scores!

  3. Amber Says:

    Continuing paying down your debt, also if you have any thing in collections like a Dr. bill it would definitely make a difference in lowering your score. Just keep at and you will see the change

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