Viewing the 'Finances' Category
November 21st, 2013 at 01:14 pm
Hello All,
I have made some changes to make my fiancés better, I have changed my bank that I have been banking at for 15+ years. I had too many savings and checking outs I need to merge them. I also tweaked my savings plan. I read an quote in Money Magazine. If you don't need to spend money don't. So I have decide to try and live by that. Bad habit die hard but being broke isn't an option for me.
Posted in
October 7th, 2013 at 08:45 pm
Hello All,
I'm working hard to save money. I have to rebuild my EF. My rent increased by $20, I didn't plan on staying for another year. we are still paying The IRS.
I'm trying to keep a hangle on my Overdraft fees. I did the best thing when I stop letting the bank pay my bill and then take the money out of my account if I don't have it my account will be declined and I'm ok with that. I also realized only because my account is showing it down't mean I have it. My goal for this month is not to go out to eat. Which should be hard since I cook every other night what makes it hard is We run so much that it's easier to pick crap up than to run home and eat on the run but it will be done. Oh yea I check my FICO score not bad not where I would like but I still have time. Well I'm glad that I'm able to do it all with this Job. This will be my third month.
Posted in
August 20th, 2013 at 03:48 pm
2013 Financial Plans
I'm so behind but here it is.....
1. Start all over with savings.
Posted in
August 16th, 2013 at 05:47 pm
I'm trying so hard to get my money back into place but it seems like these overdraft fees are kicking my butt. I had to call and get the overdraft protection taken off my account. I check my account it it show one balance but when I spend some of it I see that I over drawn my account. I'm start from the beginning with savings since I have been out of the work for around a year and a few months. I'm hoping that will help me because I really am trying to getting tired of not having any money on payday. I know I also need to start doing my budgeting sheets again. I thought I was keeping track of everything coming out but I guess not. I'm too blessed too be stressed about this situation. I’m just down today because it's my Birthday Weekend and I had to cancel my travel plans for this weekend it wasn't nothing major just a two day trip to the DC.
Since DC isn't going anyway anytime soon I hope to plan another trip when my money isn't looking so funny.
Posted in
November 10th, 2012 at 12:37 pm
Hello everyone,
I haven't been doing a budget but know I need to start. I would like for it to be downloaded my mac so that I could seat down and fill it out. If you know of a free download please let me know.
Posted in
June 1st, 2012 at 02:46 am
I'm so behind but here it is.....
1. Continue to work towards my B.A. Degree
2. Work on a permanent Job Position. (this one is suppose to last six months)
3.Continue to save for a house.
4. Start my Daughter's College Fund.
5 Start a New 401 K
6. Start to calculate how much I will need for my next new to me car. (I give this car three more years before it will need to be replaced).
Posted in
March 31st, 2011 at 03:38 pm
Hello All,
I am excited to announce that I have completed my 6 months FFEF. I’m stoked. I really can't believe that I'm here. This is such an amazing feeling. WOW WOW WOW. Even though my goal is an 8 months FFEF this is a great big accomplishment for me. I'm feeling so blessed.
Have a great day SA.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
March 29th, 2011 at 01:06 pm
I'm doing a great job saving for my eight month EF but I'm saving too much because I don't have sufficient funds for my bills. I think I'm over doing it. I do have a budget but do it a few days before payday. Nothing really changes as far as the bills. I would hate to downsize what I'm saving for my EF but I think I might have to. Oh well I have to be able to pay my bills and saving a good amount of money for my EF before my job ends in August.
Posted in
February 15th, 2011 at 02:50 am
I just found a minor account that is giving 6% for the first $1,000. I think that's unheard of now days I had to jump on it.
I'm am looking into opening an esa for my daughter. I'm on babystep 3 but should be moving on in the next couple of months.
Posted in
College Fund,
January 5th, 2011 at 05:22 pm
Great Day everyone,
I ordered a kids program online yesterday but didn't go the correct link which was offering 20% off so I decided to call the site to see if they would refund me 20% and with no hesitation the rep said of course. This is all so new to me I normally just let it go but I realize that it doesn't make sense to continue to do so. Why should I pay full price for an item that is discounted?
Posted in
December 15th, 2010 at 02:16 pm
I have done really well this year and I have a lot of big changes coming up for 2011 but I have decided to work on these for the upcoming year.
1. Find a new job.
2. Start some classes towards my bachelor's degree.
3. Keep up with my monthly budget.
4. Continue to buld up my EF.
5. Increase my retirement contribution 6%.
6. Start a ESA College fund for my daughter.
7. Continue to save for a house down payment.
Posted in
December 14th, 2010 at 08:31 pm
I got my end of the year bonus which went to my EF account. We just found out we won't be getting a merit raise this year. I cashed out 20 hours of pto time. I hoping to place that in my EF account also. I needed some new tires so I had to take a few hundreds out for those which will be replace on payday.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
December 2nd, 2010 at 12:04 am
I have been missing in action for a couple of months. I have been saving like crazy not completely on target but I still have a month to see what will happen. Nothing too new going on starting to look for a new job since mine is ending in around 8 months. I need to look into new car insurance since it's connect to my job and other insurances that is also connect to my job. Looking forward to a new phase in life in 2011.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
July 16th, 2010 at 04:26 pm
I'm such a goal Oriented person that when I saw this I jumped for joy. This is exactly want I been waiting for. I have set two goals and I'm ahead of my savings goal. And my target day is far off I'm very excited about this.
Posted in
April 19th, 2010 at 07:00 pm
I was losing concentration for a minute on my finances but I'm back on track and more dedicated than ever. I'm setting goals again and I'm excited to meet them. My first Goal hopefully will be met at the end of this month.
Posted in
February 23rd, 2010 at 04:14 pm
We went to do our taxes which turned out the be the largest we ever received to date. And I was not impressed. The tax preparer being to tell me how we could get more at the end of the year. I told her I didn't want more at the end of the year I wanted more in my paycheck through out the year she had nothing to say. Isn't it funny when you have finanical peace Income refund checks are not the light of your day.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2010 at 01:49 pm
I love the fact that I have a 10 year old paid off car but it is giving me hell. Everytime I turn around it has to be fixed. I will admint some of the breaks are my fault but Please give me a break. I am doing very good with my savings but this car keeps draining it. It is taking me way too long to get my EF where I would like it to be. I would like to move on and start to save for my house. They have such great deals out there now. I want to pull my hair out.
Thanks for reading my rant.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
December 22nd, 2009 at 10:18 pm
I never thought about my net worth until I started reading the blogs. It's exciting to see how your net worth changes.(especially if it going up)
Posted in
December 14th, 2009 at 09:00 pm
I have done really well this year and I have decided to work on these for the upcoming year.
1. Keep up with my monthly budget.-Completed
2. Save 3 to 8 months of expenses in savings.-Five months
3. Fully fund my Roth IRAs -Nope
4. Start a College funding for my child.-Nope
5. Continue to save for a house down payment.-Work in progress.
Posted in
November 20th, 2009 at 02:29 pm
Just found out I will be receiving and end of the year bonus. I think I will be going to get my IMac with this bonus. I'm excited.
Posted in
October 13th, 2009 at 08:26 pm
I just went to see and life insurance/financial advisor and he was very inpress with what I have going on. I was laughting on the inside. He asked did I have someone advising me with my money. I said Suze Orman/Dave Ramsey/Books. lol And of course you guys. I feel good. I have to admit I have never been in a better financial situation and it feels great.
Posted in
September 26th, 2009 at 05:51 pm
I met my Christmas Fund goal. Yahoo.
Posted in
September 3rd, 2009 at 08:34 pm
I sold my dd old clothes and got $85.00 for them. Really more than that sold but I had to pay the people that sould them a percentage. But it's all good because we made a little profit andt he clothes are out of my way. The money will go towards my dd savings account.
Posted in
August 27th, 2009 at 05:16 pm
I started going to Savers club meeting through my credit union every month and it's great. Next month we will focus on shopping and saving.
Posted in
July 23rd, 2009 at 12:58 pm
Man it has been a while since I have had money left over after I paid all my bills. A whopping $600. I spent $300 to take a weekend vacation and is going spend $100 to pay on my cruise and the rest is going to savings. I feel so blessed. It is great to be debt free.
Posted in
June 17th, 2009 at 05:15 pm
Man everytime I think I have a handle on things I get screwed. So I have made an appointment to get my car it's yearly inspection. I know I need two back tires and my axle fix. Now i have to get my side mirror fix. I broke it this morning try to back out of my job's garage lane. I was in the wrong lane. I'm so pissed. I hope it doesn't cost me more than $500. I was hopping for $300 at first.
Posted in
June 4th, 2009 at 02:21 pm
I took the train for the first time yesterday. I had to go to dc for a class. I think it might be one of the ways that I might start traveling. Do anyone take takes trains and buses in stead of driving? Is this cheaper or more expensive than driving yourself?
Posted in
May 30th, 2009 at 02:55 pm
I told my siter I would watch her son for her on the weekend while she works and she offer to pay me twenty dollars. So now I will be using the extra money to replish my vacation account.
Posted in
May 22nd, 2009 at 01:44 pm
So that That I'm debt free I'm going full force with saving for my EF. The payments that I was making to my cc company I'm just going to transfer that payment into my ef. My goal is to have aleast 5,000 in it by the end of 2009. That will live me alease 4 months of Emergency savings. I'm aiming for 8. I will update everytime I meet a month worth of savings.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
May 20th, 2009 at 11:42 am
I can confirm that I'm debt free and it feels amazing. Join with me to do the debt free dance,clap and shout. This board has been a great help.
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