I'm trying so hard to get my money back into place but it seems like these overdraft fees are kicking my butt. I had to call and get the overdraft protection taken off my account. I check my account it it show one balance but when I spend some of it I see that I over drawn my account. I'm start from the beginning with savings since I have been out of the work for around a year and a few months. I'm hoping that will help me because I really am trying to getting tired of not having any money on payday. I know I also need to start doing my budgeting sheets again. I thought I was keeping track of everything coming out but I guess not. I'm too blessed too be stressed about this situation. I’m just down today because it's my Birthday Weekend and I had to cancel my travel plans for this weekend it wasn't nothing major just a two day trip to the DC. Since DC isn't going anyway anytime soon I hope to plan another trip when my money isn't looking so funny.
Over Draft Fees.
August 16th, 2013 at 05:47 pm
August 16th, 2013 at 08:30 pm 1376681427
My main bank shows two amounts: daily balance from day before and the amount now in the account when payments are in the system to be processed that day.
I would stop using it and only use cash. Let the account settle all outstanding checks/ debit transactions. Once a week take what you need in cash and only use cash. Do not use your debit card. I do this. It prevents me from spending beyond my allowance amounts.
August 16th, 2013 at 08:59 pm 1376683155
Don't rely on the balance the bank shows, always keep track of your balance yourself. Switching to cash is a great idea.
Good luck!
August 16th, 2013 at 09:42 pm 1376685748
I'll tell you I bought Quicken and I love it. For me it makes keeping track of all my accounts and planning ahead easy.
August 18th, 2013 at 04:38 am 1376797088